Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna will be president of the Dominican Republic again

Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna will be president of the Dominican Republic again ... (1 of 3) 

By Héctor Williams Zorrilla, psychologist and university professor 

(There are more than one million dominicans living in other countries who does not read Spanish)


Some of the things that I am going to say in this short post will create "hives" in some readers. I don't care: 'whoever itches should scratch' my grandmother used to say. 

Those who read me know that I am an inveterate Boschista / Leonelista. I have followed and read Dr. Fernández since 1974. 

I did not participate in his three governments because I lived outside the country and I only saw Dr. Fernández briefly a couple of times while he was visiting the US at the times he was president.

I am not a "grave dust of the sacks" or as my students at the university say to me that they say now: lambón. I say what is in my mind clear and precise. 

I believe that Dr. Fernández will be president in the Dominican Republic again. I have any doubts about it. But I also believe that in terms of leadership style, ideas and political purposes and goals, Dr. Fernández will be a new president, with a style of political leadership polished by his life experiences. 

Dr. Fernández is no longer a naive political leader, neophyte, who could be deceived by those he places on his team to govern and execute his ideas as the president. Those things happened in his first three government periods. In those governments there were ministers who were typical grave dust of the sacks or lambones, what is called in English "yes men or women". People without their own ideas, without creativity or imagination and even worse, without moral values and practitioners of politics without ethical values. In other words, "politicians with no values” and practitioners of "political tigueraje” to benefit only themselves.

Dr. Fernández has already learned his life lesson. He knows the party colleagues that he can trust to be in his government team and whom he cannot trust even if they are after him as "yes man". 

Dr. Fernández was not only deceived in the party primary by the same "political partners" from the political party that he trusted. Dr. Fernández was deceived in the three governments he led by some of the “party partners" that he placed in key positions to govern the country. 

Yes, those same people that I met early at the old party wearing "shoes with broken soles", or with two (2) only chacabanas to dress, or with a Honda 50 motor or a bicycle to transport themselves deceived him. Dr. Fernández believed with all the reasons in the world in these "party partners" and united them with his team to govern. Many of them betrayed him and sold his political ideas to govern the country to the highest bidder seeking their own personal and family benefits.

Nowadays, Dr. Fernández has already polished his excellent leadership style. He has understood that conflict is an intrinsic component of political leadership or any form of leadership. So, next time, he will not govern been only a peace maker and conciliator but as an effective manager of conflicts too.

He will govern the country with capable people who deserve to be close to him and be on his team. Dr. Fernández clearly understands now that there are party partners who are better off "loving them from afar." 

When Dr. Fernández becomes president of the Dominican Republic again, he will not govern with a laissez ffaire style of political leadership. 

Let that be known from now on to everyone!


Life is beautiful. La vida es bella...



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