The FP party is the Open house of Boschism (4 of 5)

 The FP party is the open house of boschism ... (4 of 5) 

By Héctor Williams Zorrilla, psychologist and university professor 

If you are a boschist, the FP party is your political house. An open house for all patriotic boschist citizens like Professor Bosch was. 

There is no other political place to practice the boschism of Professor Bosch that is not in the people's house (FP party). 

Are those leaders at the top of the old party who were never true boschists, boschists? 

“It is by its fruits" that the true boschists know each other. That party leadership already showed its fruits, and the fruits that they exhibited and continue to teach are NOT Boschist fruits. 

These are some of the political fruits shown by that party dome political leadership: 

The dome political leaders traitors to the homeland are not boschists.

The dome leaders traitors of the teachings of Professor Bosch are not boschists.

The dome leaders traitors of the moral principles in political practice taught and lived by Professor Bosch are not boschists.

The dome leaders traitors of the democratic principles raised by Professor Bosch are not boschist. 

The dome leaders traitors of the comrades of his own party are not boschists.

The dome leaders slanderers of the moral conduct of their fellow party members for their own benefit are not boschists.

The dome leaders falsifiers of a primary election to harm their own party partner are not boschists.

The top politicians who were in government positions and enriched themselves from those public positions with their relatives and close friends are not boschists. 

The dome of the political leadership who violated all democratic rules in order to stay in power is not boschists. 

Professor Bosch did not simply say what boschism was. 

Professor Bosch did not simply teach lessons on Boschism. 

Professor Bosch lived Boschism all his life. His political life was the mirror of boschism. 

Who is a true disciple of boschism? 

The answer to this question is simple and laconic: It is a boschist who exercises politics as Professor Bosch did: with moral values! 


You can register for the FP match here: 




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