Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna: the disciple chosen by professor Juan Bosch (5 of 5)
Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna: The disciple chosen by Professor Juan Bosch (5 of 5)
By Héctor Williams Zorrilla, psychologist and university professor Professor
Juan Bosch was a conscientious and patriotic citizen, not only intelligent, he was also wise. Intelligence comes from the IQ, wisdom comes from the emotional quotient. With regard to the first, Professor Bosch was a genius and in reference to the second, he was not far from it as well.
Professor Bosch was aware that at some point he would depart from this temporary physical setting. He was a wise citizen and a very smart human being.
So, Professor Bosch was preparing his successor during this parenthesis between eternity we called time. He clearly made the choice of who should pursue and perpetuate his political teachings and memories after his transition to the eternal spiritual realm.
Professor Bosch chose his successor. That successor was his vice presidential candidate at one time. This same successor was the presidential candidate even though Professor Bosch was still physically with us and when real conditions existed for the old party to achieve government power. Professor Bosch trusted that leader he has chosen as his successor.
Professor Bosch clearly and unequivocally chose his successor to continue his unfinished political works in favor of the homeland. As a conscientious citizen and patriot that he was, Professor Bosch used his intelligence and wisdom to choose his successor. The best candidate for successor that existed on the political scene.
Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna was the disciple chosen by Professor Juan Bosch to be his successor. As his chosen successor, Dr. Fernández has to promote his teachings and perpetuate his political memories. That’s what Dr. Fernández is doing right now.
Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna is the disciple chosen by the Master, Professor Juan Bosch. The wise and intelligent professor Bosch made a very smart decision choosing Dr. Fernández as his successor.
The FP party, the party founded and led by Dr. Fernández, is in the best hands and guided by the most lucid and pristine mind that shines on the national and Latin American political scene at this moment in history. This brilliant leader is Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna.
Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna is the chosen disciple! He is the political leader picked directly and specifically by the Master, professor Juan Bosch, who has the mission to fulfill and to complete his patriotic democratic service in favor of the his beloved homeland.
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