Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna: Whatever the top leader says, that's what goes

Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna: Whatever the top leader says, that's what goes ... (2 of 3) 

By Héctor Williams Zorrilla, psychologist and university professor 

The FP party has a top leader, Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna and whatever the leader says, that's what goes. The FP party practices party discipline not caudillismo. In the FP party there is no caudillo, nevertheless, there is a top leader and founder valued, admired and respected by all. 

In the FP party all the ideas of its members are valuable and esteemed. All the member’s ideas are discussed, dialogued and processed within the organisms and structures of the party. The FP party is a party that believes and practices participatory and inclusive democracy but with party discipline. In the FP party its members have and will have different ideas about various aspects of national and world socio-economic and political affairs. Our top leader promotes that to happen within the party. All the ideas of each member are valued, appreciated and there are political spaces within the FP party to express them following party discipline. 

Therefore, the fact that the FP party has a top leader, Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna, does not violate the participatory democracy of the party. The opposite is the truth: the top leader of the FP party believes, practices and promotes participatory democracy. Dr. Leonel Fernández has been and continues to be a fervent and passionate champion of participatory democracy within the party and externally in society. Dr. Fernández is a true democratic leader.

Pueblistas, our top leader practiced participatory democracy being the president of the old party. But the leadership of that party did not understand the true socio-political meaning of participatory democracy. The leadership of the old party was poisoned with the vices of individualism, groupism and personal aspirations. The leadership of the old party formed their own "NATO" to betray the natural leader of the party, Dr. Fernández. The rest that happened within the old party is known history. 

What happens in the old party will not happen within the FP party. No member and / or sympathizer of the FP party will drink the poison of groupism, individualism and the betrayal of the top leader and founder, Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna. The FP party believes and practices participatory democracy but with the practice of party discipline at the same time.

The members of the FP party believe that whatever emanates from our top leader and the top leadership of the party embodied in his mandate, that is what goes.

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